

Rabu, 05 Juni 2013



      Facebook is a social networking website launched on February 4, 2004 and was founded by Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard graduate and former Ardsley High School student. facebook negative impact on teens, students and children. The negative impact of facebook is increasingly felt, despite the many Facebookers who are not aware of the influence of negativity this facebook, facebook impact, among others, no matter the surroundings, lack of socialization with the environment, wasting money, harm the health, reduced learning time, lack of attention to family , the spread of personal data, it's easy to find something pornography and sex, prone to disputes, often fraudulent. With the development of technology that is older even can access facebook via mobile phones, notebooks, laptops to access facebook account. Some people even access them just to play a game that can sometimes spend hours on end. . Moreover, the use of facebook while at school may disrupt the concentration of the obligation to seek knowledge. When in school, of course, each student will meet with their friends directly, so the use of facebook should not be needed. The impact of excessive use will not be felt immediately, but accumulate, so that when it appears there is only sorrow. Using facebook is allowed as long as it does not destroy ourselves. It is time we as students realized that his main responsibility is to learn and should such activities are not disturbed by other activities.


1. Background
Facebook is a social network where followers most are teenagers. Facebook is something AWESOME "said a boy aged fifteen cited in Teenage Life Online, a study conducted by the Pew Internet and American Life Project. Using facebook has become a common part, a study in 2009 conducted by Harris Interactive and Teenage Reasearh Unlimited suggested that young people aged 13-24 years old spend more online per week spent watching television compared to the average of 17 to 14 hours. "Observers Technology Agency (Suwarno: 2009) also noted Indonesia is the 3rd largest most facebook users. Currently facebook is very influential in the social lives of adolescents, characterized by the notion that teenagers are teenagers who have facebook slang. Along with technological development facebook can be accessed anytime anywhere. Lately Observer Technology Agency of Indonesia (Suwarno: 2009) also suggests that 40% of teens access facebook at lessons, this indicates that they are more often online than listening to their teacher explained the lesson, therefore, is now among the youth is facebook a relationship that can not be separated, but lately a lot of events that cause as well as facebook.Hal like this should be immediately sought out the best way that teenagers are not too late in the progress of technology that could eventually ada.Sehingga teenagers well sort between their study time with online time so that they do not regret it later.

1.2 Problem Formulation
1. What is facebook?
2. What impact does the attitude of the youth facebook?
3. The extent to which the influence of facebook on teenagers social life?
4. What factors make a facebook frequently accessed by teenagers?
5. How is the best way for teenagers to use facebook consequently?

1.3 Objectives Discussion
1. To find out what is facebook
2. To determine the impact of a positive attitude facebook for teenagers
3. To determine the effect on the lives of teenagers facebook
4. To find out the factors that make facebook often accessed by adolescents
5. Knowing the best way for teenagers to use facebook consequently

1.4 Scope Discussion
1. Understanding facebook
2. Impact facebook
3. Influence on the lives of adolescent social facebook
4. Factors facebook accessible to teens
5. The best way for teens to be able to use facebook consequently

5. Systematics Discussion
In a scientific paper entitled Our Facebook Correlated with Social Life Youth as Technology Development is composed of Chapter I consists of: Rear 1.1Latar problem; 1.2 Problem formulation; 1.3 Scope Discussion; 1.4Sistematika discussion. Chapter II Study of Theory consists of: 2.1Sejarah facebook; 2.2 Impact of Facebook; 2.3 Factors why Facebook is often accessed Teens; 2.4 Finding the Most Appropriate Ways to Use Facebook In Konsekuen.Bab III consists Method Development; 3.1 Procedure Development; 3.2 Type Data; 3.3 Discussion Methods; 3.4 Data Collection Instruments; 3.5 Analysis Data.Bab IV covercomprising: 4.1 Conclusion; 4.2 Suggestions.


1. History of facebook
Facebook is a social networking website launched on February 4, 2004 and was founded by Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook is a social networking website launched on February 4, 2004 and was founded by Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard graduate and former Ardsley High School student. Its membership was initially restricted to students of Harvard College. In the next two months, its membership expanded to other schools in the Boston area (Boston College, Boston University, MIT, Tufts), Rochester, Stanford, NYU, Northwestern, and all schools are included in the Ivy League. Many other universities were then added in succession within one year after its launch. Finally, the people who have e-mail addresses of a university (such as. Edu,., etc.) from all over the world can also join this site.
Furthermore, also developed a network for top-level schools and some large corporations. Since 11 September 2006, anyone with a mailing address whatever may register on Facebook. [2] Users can choose to join one or more networks are available, such as by high school, workplace or geographic area.
As of July 2007, this site has the greatest number of registered users among the sites that focus on schools with more than 34 million active members from all over the world they have. [3] From September 2006 to September 2007, its ranking rose from the position of the 60 spots to seventh most visited site, [4] and is the number one site for photos in the United States, ahead of public sites such as Flickr, with 8.5 million photos posted every day.

2. Impact facebook
The negative impact of facebook on teenagers, students and children. The negative impact of facebook is increasingly felt, despite the many Facebookers who are not aware of the effect this facebook negativity. Perhaps because the names are addicted to facebook. But it is dangerous, do not you awared . for teenagers and students as well as children, you should know what are the negative effects of facebook. Because Facebook users are dominated by teens aged 14-24 years as much as 61.1%. It is ten impact facebook.

1. No matter the surrounding
People who are addicted to facebook too preoccupied with his own world (the world which he created) so it does not care about other people and the surrounding environment. Someone who has been addicted to facebook often experience this.

2. Lack of socialization with the environment
This is the effect of too frequent and too long to play facebook. It's quite alarming for the development of adolescent social life. They were supposed to learn socialization with the environment has mostly to spend more time in the virtual world with friends facebook averaging discuss something that is not important. As a result the child's verbal abilities declined. Sure is autism in here and not in the true sense.

3. Waste of money
Internet access to open facebook obvious effect on the financial condition (especially if access from Internet cafes). And the cost of the Internet in Indonesia are likely still expensive when compared to other countries (they have many were free). This could be categorized as a waste, because it is not productive. Another matter if they use it for business purposes.

4. Distemper
Too much hanging out in front of the monitor without doing any activity, sport is never a risk to health. The disease will be easy to come. Late irregular eating and sleeping. Obesity (overweight), stomach diseases (gastrointestinal), and eye disease is the most likely health problems occur.

5. Reduced learning time
It is clear, too old to play facebook will reduce the amount of time in learning the child as a learner. There are even some that are still fun to play facebook while at school.

6. The lack of attention to family
Family at home is number one. The slogan is no longer valid for the Facebookers. Create a facebook friend in their apartment is number one. Not infrequently their attention to the family to be reduced.

7. The spread of personal data
Some Facebookers give data about themselves with great detail. Usually this is for people who know the internet was limited to facebook only. They do not know the risk is spread personal data on the internet. Recall data data on the internet is easy to leak, especially facebook that is easily hacked!

8. Easily find any pornography and sex
It's easy to find something that the Facebookers and porn. Because two things are the most
searched on the internet and also the easiest to find. nah, it's a fact no adult intenet users in Indonesia. Just use the internet to search for content "slimy". On facebook would be very easy to find a group sex, group lonely aunt, etc. bispak girl group.

9. Prone disputes
The lack of control of the management of its members and the facebook immaturity facebook users themselves create friction between Facebookers are very frequent.

10. Often fraud
As with other media media, facebook is also vulnerable to fraud. Especially for children who do not understand the ins and outs of the internet world. For the deceiver himself, the condition of anonymity paced virtual world is obviously very profitable.

3. Factors why facebook frequently in adolescents access
According Lecturer School of Information Management (STMIK TIME) Edi Wijaya *, in his book, teens and media page 9, good or bad depends on the person using it Facebok.
"If he uses for things less useful, then the loss has been blamed himself for. Conversely Facebook it can be useful when looking for something positive," said Edi Wijaya.
According to his research, factors that influence why facebook is often accessed by adolescents 45% because teenagers feel comforted, 27% say they are easier to make friends and not be lonely anymore due to their difficulty socializing, 20% said that there is to play games on facebook, while 8 % just because there are tasks. As a young man, said Edi, Facebook it can also provide "respite" for people who work to relax their muscles or nerves after working out. In addition, it can gain knowledge on the site because there are also blocks of science. (Edi Wijaya, Youth and Media (London: Experts Kingdom, 2010))

4. The best way to use facebook consequently
Already a familiar sight, everywhere people holding cell phones or opening the notebook to access facebook account. Some people even access them just to play a game that can sometimes spend hours on end.
Moreover, the use of facebook while at school may disrupt the concentration of the obligation to seek knowledge. When in school, of course, each student will meet with their friends directly, so the use of facebook should not be needed. The impact of excessive use will not be felt immediately, but accumulate, so that when it appears there is only sorrow. We experience it even comes from a different problem. Using facebook * is allowed as long as it does not destroy ourselves. It is time we as students realized that his main responsibility is to learn and should such activities are not disturbed by other activities


3.1 Procedure Development
1. Population
Population and area generalization consists of objects that have a certain quantity and characteristics defined by the researchers to learn and then drawn conclusions (Sugiyono, 1994:5).
Thus an overall population of objects studied. In this study, the population consisted of all students of SMA Negeri 1 Tumpang.
2. Sample
If someone wants to examine all the elements that exist in an area of ​​research, the research is the study population. But if want to study only the party of the population, the research called the study sample.
Sugiyono (1994:7) states that the sample is the party of the population. Meanwhile, according to Hadi (Narbuko and Ahmadi, 1991:107) samples are some individuals who are under investigation from the individual kesuluruhan research.
In this study, the sample consisted of 36 students of class X8

3.2 Type Data
According to Lofland (1984:47) the first data source in the study are the words and actions of the rest is additional data. And in our study, the type of data we use is random.
3. Data Collection Instruments
In writing our papers, instruments that we use to conduct the study was a questionnaire.
Questionnaire is a data collection tool in the form of a series of questions asked the respondents to get an answer (Department of Education: 1975)
(Mark (√) the answer you!)
Yes No
1. Do you know the internet?
2. Do you frequently access the Internet?
3. Do you have email?
4. Do you know the extension of email?
5. Do you have more than one email?
6. Do you know what it facebook?
7. Do you know the history of facebook?
8. Do you have a facebook?
9. Do you have a facebook more than one?
10. Do you make yourself facebook?
11. Do you think facebook is it important?
12. Do you frequently access facebook?
13. Do you frequently access facebook during a lesson?
14. Do you use a mobile phone to access facebook?
15. Do you have a facebook because of pressure from friends?
16. Do you feel comforted when accessing facebook?
17. Do you think facebook is made for its own sake?
18. Did you make a facebook to send a task?
19. Do your parents know if you have a facebook?
20. Did your parents let you have a facebook?
21. Is your partner made you facebook?
22. Do you understand the benefits of facebook?
23. Do you ever feel facebook interrupt your study time?
24. Is time access to your facebook, longer than your study time?
25. Do you ever feel easy going by your friends, when your friend accessing facebook?

1. Data Analysis
Data dissemination questionnaire results we do the results expressed as follows:
According to the study, obtained results that SMA Negeri 1 Overlapping students know the following:
1. 100% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, know what the internet was.
2. 88.9% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, often accessing the internet
3. 100% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, have email
4. 75% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, they know the extension of the email
5. 58.3% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, have more than one email
6. 86.1% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, know what facebook
7. 33.3% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, they know the history of facebook
8. 91.7% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, they have the answer facebook
9. 30.6% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, they have more than one facebook
10. 72.2% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, they make their own facebook
11. 72.2% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, they say facebook is important to them
12. 75% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, often accessing facebook
13. 50% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, they often access facebook when subjects
14. 52.8% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, they are accessing facebook via handphone
15. 38.9% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, they have a facebook under compulsion friend
16. 66.7% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, they feel comforted when accessing internet
17. 30.6% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, they think facebook is for its own sake
18. 38.9% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, they made a facebook for kepantingan task
19. 88.9% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, their parents know they have a facebook
20. 69.4% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, their parents allowed them to have a facebook
21. 36.1% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, facebook made by their peers
22. 69.4% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, they know the benefits of facebook
23. 52.8% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, they are very annoying facebook their study time
24. 47.2% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, they admitted that the time to access facebook longer than the time to learn
25. 77.8% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, they claimed dicuekkan by their friends when they are accessing facebook friends
From the above data it can be concluded that, students of SMAN 1 Overlapping follow the technological development that is evident from our results, confirming 100% students of SMAN 1 Overlapping understand the internet and have email. Meanwhile the 91.7% of facebook users that means only about 8.3%, equivalent to 3 children who do not have facebook, it is strong evidence of a link between adolescent and facebook. The data obtained by us also illustrates the alarming situation that occurred today in the students due to the use of social networking sites is excessive. The use facebook while at school may cause distraction to the obligation to study. When in school, of course, each student will meet with their friends directly, so the use of facebook should not be needed. We've heard an interview with a psychologist on television due to the use of facebook. In the interview, the psychologist stated that the use of social networking sites that excessive socializing can reduce a person's ability. It can happen because of a lack of direct interaction with others and only communicate using a computer. The following diagram deployment questionnaire results.


1. Conclusion
Based on the research we have carried out for the students of SMAN 1 Overlapping, especially students of class X-8, apparently Faceboook is a social network which has a lot of adverse effects on teenage social life like, annoying hours of study, the results of research we can be 50% of teens access facebook during school hours, making less teenagers socialize with the neighborhood because they were too late with what they do, interfere with health, because the longer they access facebook then the longer they are also in front of the monitor, which was is not good for the eyes than it bothers our stomach health, the preoccupation with accessing facebook time he will forget that they are not eating regularly create disorder in the stomach merekadan much impact from the use of facebook belebihan.Melihat something like this should be done how the special guidance to adolescents SMAN 1 Overlapping that they are not dissolved by the progress that is so that they learn concentration increases and enhances your learning achievement.

2. Suggestion
Our advice for young users to be able to use facebook facebook consequently able to sort by time, the time to learn and time to use facebook, so as not to regret later kemudan held hari.Dan for guidance to adolescents to understand how they will impact the use of facebook continuously, so hopefully they will realize and understand that they are students who are learning their obligations.

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